Calan Forcat - locations map

Find Bars and Restaurants as well as Places of Interest, locals sights and activities , beach locations. Everything to plan your perfect holiday stay in Calan Forcat.

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All of Calan Forcat on a map

Calan Forcat location - good to know

Cala en Forcat lies on the west coast just a short bus ride from the charming city of Ciutadella. One of the island's most recent and touristically developed areas. Geared towards 'away from the beach' entertainments for children of various ages. Not a typical menorcan beach resort but good if you are looking for a family holiday WITHOUT the worries of rowdier elements :-)

Our personal Guide to Calan Forcat

Airport 35 miles / 55 km
Direct Transfer 1 Hrs. mins.
All Transfer Options eg Shared Shuttle from 12 Eur pp or Taxi max. 4 pers. 68 Eur , Public Airport Bus - none!

Bus Service all year

Around Calan Forcat